The quality of our products is Vitalness – This is what we chose
Due to COVID-19, in the country, approximately 34,900 firms have shut down, 10,000 employees have lost their job. WeFit, a high potential start-up has also gone bankrupt.
This crisis has put commercial enterprises’ chance of survival to the test. Without being different, they would easily be replaced.
Facing that test, Powergate survived, because we stayed true to our core value: “Quality is Vitalness”.
When it comes to quality, I believe it is most important to create high-quality products and obtain great satisfaction from customers. As for me, nothing could make me happier and prouder than going through past emails from our clients and looking back at all the great words they had to talk about PG (PowerGate for short):
“Just wanted to say that I really really appreciate all your hard work for us over the last few years. Your team is very hardworking and skilled in technology.”- (customer in the USA)
“I’m in charge of finding a partner to develop the platform; We developed together with the mobile app a couple of years ago. I had a very good impression of your Company. I think you have the skill and you are big enough to deal with such a project.”- (customer in Italy)
When we worked effectively and leave good impressions on our customers, it would strengthen their trust and new projects will keep flowing in.
I notice that PG’s quality doesn’t come from a single team or an individual’s, but rather, a collective effort. From well-trained programmers to the leadership team full of enthusiasm and great visions; from clear and coherent working processes to back-office departments, though not directly involved, always make sure that everything runs without errors. Thanks to harmonious coordination between departments and positive working spirit, we have survived the brutal crisis.
The COVID-19 pandemic suddenly coming up at the beginning of this year has kept all businesses hung on a thread. While many companies hibernated and waited for things to go back to normal, PG chose to adapt and change to survive. We still managed to secure several important projects when the pandemic hit the peak. Even during the work-from-home period, all of us told ourselves to work even harder to deliver products on time, with the highest quality and satisfaction.
“But could we measure the quality of a business by looking at customer satisfaction or employee skills only?” I wonder.
As an accountant, real figures – revenue, profit and growth index – speak louder to me than anything. It was more than satisfying for me to see PG’s number of recruits increases rapidly and business reports from all divisions indicate stable growth. If you consider Powergate a living organism, it is not hard to see that we are functioning and growing healthily.
“Quality is the best business plan” (John Lasseter)”. Quality is indeed the best business plan, but to me, more specifically, it is the quality of the employees that makes or breaks a company’s success. Businesses can die, but people remain. They are the secret weapons that strengthen a company’s competitiveness. Therefore, we should invest more in people by providing them with a healthy working environment, a clear career path and making sure that they can enjoy a stable and prosperous life. That is the type of sustainable quality that makes Powergate the survivor, I believe.