A Must-Have Mobile App For Personal Trainers And Fitness In Newzealand

PowerGate Team has been working with our partner to continuously develop their bespoke fitness website & mobile app that manages day to day running of your personal training business. The application allows trainers to schedule appointments, process payments, generate reports, and more. Additionally, they can create personalized workout plans and monitor their client’s progress over time.

One of the key highlight features is its comprehensive client management system. With this feature, personal trainers and fitness professionals can easily keep track of their client’s personal information, progress, and workout plans all in one place. Trainers can also set reminders for client appointments, track attendance, and communicate with clients through the app.

When it was first released, the mobile app quickly became popular eventually reaching 80% total satisfaction.


April 25, 2019


Android, Cross Platform, IONIC, iOS, Mobile App Development, Rest API, SaaS