What Is Enterprise Mobile Application Development?

What Is Enterprise Mobile Application Development?

Enterprise Mobile Application Development: A Complete Guide

In this guide, we’ll be answering all the below questions and more. To find out the basics and details of enterprise mobile app development:

What are some enterprise mobile app examples? What are some challenges a business might face with this process? What is the development process like? What are the different benefits of enterprise application development? Are they important for a business’s success in today’s market? 


Introduction to Enterprise Mobile App Development 

Simply put, enterprise mobile app development is the process by which a mobile application is built for an enterprise’s needs. This process involves developing and implementing high-tech and trusted mobile applications that can make an organization’s everyday tasks simpler and quicker to complete. The users of this app are usually the employees of the organization it is built for, and its purpose can range from streamlining business operations and engaging with customers to strengthening partner relationships, workflow automation, and beyond. 

Making enterprise applications accessible through smartphones greatly helps improve the standard of business fieldwork. Having a mobile enterprise app at their disposal is beneficial for business stakeholders, employees, customers, and even owners. Successful enterprise mobile app development can give businesses the added advantage of increased staff efficiency and workload management while handing them the right tools they need to throttle their competition in any business sector.

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Types of Enterprise Mobile Applications

The world of enterprise mobile applications is new but extremely vast. There are three main types of enterprise apps that target the three levels of an organization’s needs. All three types are discussed below. 

  • Employee Level 

These apps usually have the narrowest field of operations, since they are required on a smaller scale. This mainly consists of task-oriented applications that are designed to help field employees solve a particular problem. They are highly beneficial in ensuring employee efficiency and can assist with timely project completion.  

  • Departmental Level

Department-level enterprise mobile apps are useful at boosting the functionality and productivity of a particular business department. For example, an app development company can design a mobile app, especially for your company’s Human Resource Management department. These apps are designed on a larger scale and are usually equipped with more features to meet the greater level of demand.

  • Company Level

Company level app developments are meant for use at the larger organizational level. They are highly useful in building team rapport and allowing different sectors of a business to communicate common goals and collaborate on shared projects. These apps are ideal for enabling seamless connection of the executives with the employees, targeting business hierarchies, and promoting communication across all work levels. 


Why is Enterprise Mobile Application Development the Key to Success?

Enterprise mobile apps have completely revolutionized business management, and it’s easy to see why. They automate task completion and promote greater levels of communication in the workplace, resulting in higher employee efficiency and business success rates. 

Enterprise mobile applications are essentially a smart combination of mobile apps and enterprise apps. They combine high-quality features and automation techniques of both platforms into one single application that can greatly help boost an organization’s success and streamline its workflow. They also play an important role in making operations simpler and smoother and ultimately yield more profits for an organization – which makes them the key to a business’s success. 

Here are just some of the top benefits of enterprise mobile application development.

  • Seamless Transactions

Business transactions with stakeholders and partners are a crucial part of running a business, and enterprise mobile applications can help make this more simplified. You can personalize the app to send you alerts and notifications on payment deadlines, amounts, and purposes, and can customize it to suit your business’s unique requirements. Using an enterprise mobile app is a great way to handle third-party payments in an efficient manner. 

  • Mobile Accounting

Gone are the days of haggling with Excel sheets, endless databases, and calculators! Enterprise mobile apps help make accounting easier than ever before. The application developers can enable you to review your income and spending, edit your budget, and handle employee expenses and other monetary aspects of the work – all from a few clicks on your smartphone. 

  • Supply Chain Control 

If supply change management is an important part of your business, an enterprise mobile app will do you a lot of good. Custom enterprise mobile apps can take full control of the supply chain process, automating and streamlining it without requiring you to work from the ground up. These apps can handle all sorts of supply chain management tasks, from transportation to warehousing, fleet, shipping, stocks, and beyond. 

  • Time Efficiency 

The biggest advantage of automation of business operations is how much time is freed up for employees and business owners. While the enterprise mobile app handles complicated, time-consuming but important daily operations for you, you and your employees can pay attention to other pressing tasks that will enable your business to evolve. 


Enterprise mobile application development


Top 5 Reasons to Have an Enterprise Mobile Application

Looking for reasons to integrate enterprise mobile apps into your business workings? Here are some more. 

  • Increased Business Visibility 

There is no tool quite like a mobile phone to connect with customers, partners, and stakeholders across the world. With the current phone and internet-oriented lifestyles, it’s essential for a business to have an enterprise mobile app that can help them get a place in potential customers’ smart devices. Even if you are a small startup, a tailor-made mobile app can consistently give you increased visibility and help you stay connected with your target market at all times. 

  • Promotions and Marketing

There is no better marketing tool than an enterprise mobile app that will instantly connect you to thousands of potential customers. A customized mobile app can effectively promote your business to the members of the target audience who are likely to be interested in your service and products. With features like localization, campaign assessment, and push notifications, you can automate your marketing process. Mobile apps are also either completely free or cost much less than your average advertising campaign, saving you both time and money in the long run.  

  • Global Reach

Enterprise mobile applications can help you address a global audience without having to leave your premises. Such apps can be important tools in helping you unleash your business’s potential and give you a broad identity. Even if you are currently a local level business, enterprise mobile apps can make you establish your presence in the entire global market. 

  • Brand Building

Even the smallest of startups can be labeled a business, but it takes a lot to be able to build a brand. An enterprise mobile application can help you achieve this goal. By automating your workflows, increasing customer reach, streamlining business procedures, and generating greater revenue, enterprise mobile apps can help you meet your business goals and achieve milestones that will earn you the title of a ‘brand’. 

What sets a brand apart from a business is the kind of relationship it establishes with its customers, and enterprise mobile apps can help you become that customer-oriented and globally recognized brand that you hope for your business. 

  • Competitive Edge

The business world is cut-throat, and every business needs that competitive edge that can help set them apart in a competitive and ever-changing market. A mobile app can give your business that edge over rivals that will not only help you survive but thrive in the game. No matter how small your business might be, you can still get global acclamation by making use of a highly developed and futuristic enterprise mobile app. Such an app can truly be a game-changer when it comes to expanding your business and successfully throttling your competition. 


5 Things to Look For in an Enterprise Mobile Development Platform Solution

Enterprise mobile applications can transform your business for the better, but it’s important to implement one that is well-suited for your business in the first place. Here are five things that you should look for before deciding if an enterprise application is right for you. 

  • Intuitive Development

An enterprise mobile application is designed to help your business develop and also help you grow as a business owner or manager. However, if you get the app made and then have no idea what to do with it – you will get nowhere. It’s important to look for a solution that will be easy to tie in with your business’s operations. 

Don’t just jump on board with the most high-tech and innovative mobile solution the developers are offering. Make sure you are communicating to them what your business operations look like, so they can design an application that will be right for your business. 

Remember to also keep your employees in mind. They will likely be the ones that use the application the most, so make sure the app is easy for them to understand and implement in their daily work. 


  • Be a Part of the Process

It’s very important that you constantly hit up the designer for real-time updates while they are designing your enterprise app. No, we don’t mean that you blow their phone off the hook, but you should still try and be a part of the application development process as much as you can. 

A good app designer company will always involve you in the makings of the app, and won’t hold you off until the app is done. Being involved at this stage helps you identify any problems you can see with the app and allows you to get them fixed right at the moment, preventing delays and frustration later. 


  • Seamless Integration with Your Business Systems

This is the most important thing to keep in mind when looking for a mobile app solution. Before the designers start building the app for you, make sure you thoroughly communicate to them what you will be expecting from the app. Ask yourselves questions like:

  • What features would you like the app to have? 
  • What goals are you trying to meet? 
  • Will your employees be handling the app? 
  • Will you integrate it into your day-to-day business operations? 
  • What is your company’s mission?
  • What are some things the designers should be careful of? 


Enterprise mobile applications aren’t black and white. There is no good or bad app; there is an app that is right for your organization and one that simply isn’t. It is vital to have your mobile application sync with your enterprise’s operations and digital anatomy – otherwise, what’s the point of having it custom made in the first place?


  • Security at the Design Level – From the Ground Up

Since you’ll be assigning your business’s everyday operations and registering important internal data in this enterprise app, security should be your top priority. Any time you or your employees access the app, you should be able to get your work done without having to worry about malicious parties trying to misuse your personal data. 

When considering security measures, also remember to think about who will be using your company mobile app. Be it your employees, partners, shareholders, or customers, you should be able to keep track of all users and keep an eye on all operations. Make sure you effectively communicate these demands with the app designer so that you can use your app without a single worry clouding your mind.


  • Application Management 

The enterprise mobile application development process is not a ‘set it and forget it’ phenomenon. Once your app has been developed, it is your responsibility to manage it and regularly analyze its successes and failures. 

This process is much like analyzing a business website. For example, if your employees are the only users of the app, ask them for weekly updates and reviews on what their experience with the app is like. Is there something that could be better? Is there a big problem that needs to be immediately addressed? 

If your app is public, you need to follow this stage even more diligently. See if it’s succeeding in attracting adequate user traffic and positive user reviews. After all, if the app is not benefiting your business, what was the point of having it built in the first place? 

The sooner you track any problems and address them, the less likely they are to blow up in your face later. It’s also important to analyze the app’s progress so you can implement any necessary changes in future updates to the application. 


Enterprise mobile app development


A Custom Enterprise Mobile App Development Process

The mobile app development process can be intimidating, but by partnering with an expert company and having a clear vision, you can arm your business with a valuable application that will help it reach greater heights. We’ve broken the process down into a few simple steps to help you keep track of all the stages. 


  • Setting Your Goals 

The first step should always be setting the groundwork for the app development. What is the problem that the app needs to solve? 

Answering this question will give you a purpose with which to approach app development, instead of blindly going off on what sounds like the best option. Whether you need a supply chain management app or a customer engagement platform, make sure you set your goals straight before beginning the process. 

  • Budgeting 

Price-point will obviously play an important role in helping you make your decision. The worst thing you can do is dive headfirst into the process without doing any research. How much are you willing to spend? Is your business in the position to be able to make this investment? Do you have a backup plan in case anything goes wrong? 

Some simple Google searches will tell you the approximate charges for building an app, and once you’ve selected your development company, you can follow up with the rates. Make sure to get an estimate and ask the designers about their pricing policy before sealing the deal. 

  • Technicalities and Platform

You’ll need to decide what platforms you’ll be building the app for. Since it’s a mobile app, you’ll likely have to choose between IOS and Android, or both. At this stage, the company should also be giving you a detailed look into how they will approach the app, what technologies they will use, how much time it will take, what features it will have, and so on. 

  •  Roadmap Building 

After you’ve communicated to the designers your basic needs, they should be able to build a roadmap of what the app will look like. This will essentially be a prototype or a rough design of the app. A roadmap is important to ensure the work is moving in the right direction and prevents panic and errors later on in the process. 

  • The Product Development 

This is the stage at which the designers begin the actual development process. This is, of course, a super important step of app development. Remember that this phase is largely affected by the developing company you choose and how competent they are. If you’ve made the right choice, the designing team will keep you actively involved at this stage, and be honest and open with you every step of the way. If all things go right at this point, then you’re headed on the path to success! 

  • Testing 

The testing starts during the development process and continues till after the app is deemed complete. Your development company should be involving you in this process, and you can also ask your employees to be a part of the testing stage since they’re the ones who’ll be using the app the most. 

  • Updates and Maintenance

After a long, complicated process – you have finally arrived at the seventh stage! If all has gone well, you now have a fully functioning app that is ready to be integrated with your business processes. However, you can’t cop out just yet! 

You’re likely to find some features of the app that could be improved and will keep on learning more about it when you begin actively using the app. Stay in touch with your development company to address any problems, and discuss future updates and ways to make the app better. 


How Much Does it Cost to Build an Enterprise Mobile Application?

Enterprise mobile applications can cost anything from $20,000 to up to $250,000 to make. This probably seems like a gigantic difference, but the gap exists because enterprise app development costs depend on numerous factors, and may vary greatly from app to app. 

Generally speaking, a simple app costs about $38,000 to $91,000. This is perfect if you’re a small-scale local business that doesn’t require overtly special features, so make sure you’re only paying for what you need and not spending extra on things you don’t really need. 

For medium-sized companies, a medium complexity app can range from $55,000 to $131,000. And if you’re a business giant that’s got the big bucks to invest, you might consider building a super-efficient and complex app, which can cost typically $91,000 to $211,000.

Most mobile app development companies charge per hour and the cost also varies greatly from region to region. 

  • North America: Android / iOS development charges can range from $50 to $150 per hour.
  • Australia: rate of $35-$150 per hour
  • South America: from $22 to $55/h. 
  • United Kingdom: from $71 an hour. 
  • Eastern Europe: rates start from $25 up to $50 per hour. 

A simple app will usually require up to 3 to 6 months of development. A medium complexity app might need 5 to 7 months while complex apps can take more than 8 months to design.

If your region is not in the above list, a few Google searches ought to tell you the estimates in your area. Make sure you start the process with a good idea of the costs, so you don’t end up in a frenzy if something goes beyond your budget later. 


Enterprise mobile application development team


Mobile Enterprise Security: the 3 Ways to Secure Your Enterprise Mobile App

App security is the one thing you should never, ever compromise on. Here are three ways you can ensure that your application’s security is at the top of its game. 

  • Make a Security Checklist 

When you’re in the planning stage, work with the developer to make an exhaustive security checklist of all the must-haves and the must-dos. Doing this beforehand is crucial, as it prevents you from facing any unforeseen threats that might bring down your app later on. 

  • Use the Best Development Platform

Oftentimes, when business owners are looking to save money, they make use of systems like Legacy that aren’t entirely efficient when it comes to security. Although it does cut down costs, it puts your application at immense risk. 

Since you’ll be linking the application with important business data, make sure to not skimp on security costs as it will only hurt your organization later. Don’t use any software or platform that is likely to be vulnerable to malicious software and hacker attacks. 

  • User Authentication is a Must 

We know this sounds like a given, but you’ll be surprised at how many business applications fall prey to malware and data breaches because of a lack of a fapp’strong user authentication process. Make sure your app is fully protected with two-factor authentication and multi-factor authentication, alongside using solid authentication frameworks to make your app as unbreakable as you can.


Enterprise Mobile App Development Trends For 2021

With non-stop technology advancements, the ever-growing consumer demands, and the constantly evolving app-development industry, the trends for enterprise mobile app development are undergoing fast-paced changes. 

As a business owner, it is extremely vital for you to stay up to date with the latest trends in order to stay on top of your competition in this regard. If you wish to take your brand to the next level with a solid mobile app, you must be prepared for the mobile app development changes in the current year. 


Here are some of the top enterprise mobile app trends of 2021. 

  • Beacon Technology 

From retail and healthcare to management and marketing – beacon technology adds advanced functionality to just about every type of mobile app. First developed in 2013, beacon technology has undergone significant advancements in recent years and is coming out on top in 2021. 

Beacon technology can help track buyer behavior in stores, which makes it an invaluable tool for assessing customer mindsets. The app can even detect if a user is spending more time than normal while browsing a certain product list. It will then send automatic alerts to promote the identified product range to the customer. 

Business owners looking for a marketing-based app to help spread the word about their business can make great use of beacon technology. It greatly improves user experience within a mobile app and keeps them coming back for more – which is precisely what a business wants. 

By the end of 2026, Beacon technology’s market value is expected to go up to a whopping $56.6 billion. And for business owners just stepping foot into the mobile enterprise app world, this technology is definitely one to be looking out for. 


  • Mobile eCommerce 

Mobile eCommerce has been a roaring success, dominating both 2019 and 2020 and showing no signs of backing down in 2021. 

Most successful businesses are leveraging mobile apps as a way to attract consumer traffic and increase their revenue, and needless to say, this approach is working extremely well. Whether you are a large business retailer or a personal brand, there is a lot of profit to make in this space. Mobile eCommerce functionality is the topmost business demand today, with thousands of business owners launching fresh apps to drive customer sales. 

By the end of 2021, it is likely that businesses will face a stage where a mobile eCommerce app will become a necessity to stay afloat in the market. With industry giants using this technology to their advantage, competitors and smaller-scale businesses will have to own a functional eCommerce app to keep up with them. 

It is estimated that more than 72.9% of total eCommerce sales will come from mobile phones only by the time 2021 culminates. Needless to say, mobile apps are playing a significant role in the success of mobile eCommerce, and this trend is also one to stay on board with. 


  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) 

Machine learning and Artificial Intelligence have long influenced the business world, and their reach is slowly but surely making its way into enterprise mobile app development. 

The uses of Artificial Intelligence go way beyond virtual assistance like Siri or Alexa, and the capacity of this technology is truly quite endless. Many features of AI can be implemented into a mobile app, including image recognition, face detection, speech recognition, text classification, image classification, sentiment recognition, and predictive maintenance – just to name a few. 

Artificial Intelligence can greatly improve an enterprise mobile app. They can make the apps smarter, ultimately heightening the user experience. According to industry experts, AI will completely revolutionize the way mobile apps are built by the end of 2021. 


Enterprise mobile app developed in Vietnam


Enterprise Mobile App Development Approaches

The possibilities of enterprise mobile applications are endless. There are several approaches that organizations can take to ensure that their enterprise mobile app development process is as smooth-sailing, profitable, and error-free as possible. There are two main approaches, Integrated App Development Services, and Packaged Mobile Apps. Both approaches are explained below. 

  • Integrated App Development Services 

The term ‘integrated app development services’ is pretty self-explanatory. This approach to enterprise mobile app development is fully flexible and customizable to suit your business’s specific requirements. 

With this approach, a development company will be highlighting what problems you wish to address, thus, coming up with a streamlined app that can be the solution to those issues. Using this approach, you are free to personalize the app completely. You can add, remove, or change any features you want and extend your app’s reach to multiple platforms and regions. 


  • Packaged Mobile Apps

This approach to enterprise mobile app development is not flexible. Packaged mobile apps are a form of ready-made enterprise mobile apps that you can purchase. These are a quick and easy way to integrate an enterprise app into your business operations, but will not be suited to your special business needs. 

The app can provide sufficient functionalities but is unsuitable if you have any company-specific problems you’d like to address. These apps mostly aim to solve common company problems, and are adequate when used for that purpose alone. 


Why Choose PowerGate For Enterprise Mobile Application Development?

The development company you choose is at the heart of what kind of app you will get, so this is the most important decision you will make. No matter how extensive or limited your requirements, you can put your trust in PowerGate Software. 

We are an internationally acclaimed software development company that will offer you cost-effectiveness, quality, reliability, and excellence all in one. With over 9 years of experience in mobile app development, a 96% satisfaction rate, and over 180 clients served globally, we are industry specialists in what we do. 

Our team comprises innovative, skilled, hardworking, and dedicated specialists that will build the perfect app for you. With our infallible guarantee of excellence and a tight-knit team of expert developers, working with PowerGate Software is the best bet you can make for your business! 


Frequently Asked Mobile App Development Questions

  • What is the scope of enterprise mobile applications across the globe?

Enterprise mobile applications have been a game-changer in the business and tech world. They have had an immense and far-reaching impact on the global market, and the value of mobile enterprise apps is expected to grow to USD603 billion by the end of 2021. 

  • What does a mobile application developer do?

A mobile app developer is responsible for designing, creating, and updating mobile applications according to a business’s demands. They work closely with the client to ensure the app has features perfectly aligned with the needs of the users, thus, helping businesses in meeting important goals. 

  • What is mobile app development?

Mobile app development is the process by which software is made for smartphones or digital assistants. This software is usually designed for Android and iOS and has to be downloaded, bought, or accessed through a web browser. 

  • What are enterprise mobile solutions?

Enterprise mobile solution is the process of designing software as a solution or an answer to a business’s problems or needs. Mobile app solution providers develop these apps for organizations to buy them instead of having to create it themselves, saving them money, time, and effort. 


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