A Smart Proprietary Digital Assessment And Dynamic 3D Scoring System For Asia’s Premier Stretching Solution Provider

This unique stretching fitness product revolutionizes the approach to health promotion courses and enables individuals to meticulously track their physical progress through immersive 3D models. With unwavering dedication, PowerGate’s ingenious team materialized the platform’s visionary potential, bringing the platform’s functionality to life with the Administrator website, user application, and flexologists application.

Our partner, a Hong Kong-based entrepreneur without an internal technical team, was in need of a trustworthy partner to develop and deliver custom applications. By leveraging our impressive capabilities and a proven track record of successful pilot projects, we stood out among four competitors and successfully secured the contract to develop the entire system. PowerGate developed the administrator website to empower their esteemed client, enhancing operational efficiency, and optimizing membership administration capabilities. The user application seamlessly connects clients with exclusive fitness clubs, unlocking tailored stretching courses and enabling effortless progress tracking. Meanwhile, the Flexologists application streamlines bookings and provides comprehensive scoring functionality for a seamless user experience.


May 24, 2024


AWS, Healthcare, Mobile App Development, NodeJS, PostgreSQL, React JS, React Native, Rest API