With the mission of inspiring school and business leaders to simplify visitor management, PowerGate helped the client to deliver a leading safety platform that provides software to help automate safety tasks and manage compliance with laws and mandates around campus protection. We worked on this by improving building security utilizing innovative Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) and iPad visitor applications that are easy-to-use, rock solid, and flexible to support your campus security initiatives. The system contains vital functionality allowing customers to create custom surveys without coding, and screening staff or visitors before granting access. The solution also delivers a comprehensive health management dashboard and accurate records to help schools keep the campus open, and safe, ensure correct visitor records, and increase front desk efficiency.
The newly created application was very warmly received by 3000+ educational institutions in the US in the first month of publication and has become more popular nowadays for safety campus management in the education industry.
March 11, 2019
Angular, AWS, Education & Edtech, Front-end Development, Javascript, NodeJS, Rest API, SaaS, Web Application Development