The product aimed to deploy a pioneer donation food delivery marketplace to promote nutritional well-being and self-sufficiency among those in need, while also minimizing food waste in hotels and F&B. Since this marketplace was launched, our client acts as a bridge saved an annual average of 665 tonnes of food and helped to provide 1,600,000+ meals.
The system connects Donors (the ones who donated food), Beneficiaries (the ones who receive donated food), and Our Client (the ones who provide the delivery services in between) and consists of 2 platforms:
– An Android tablet application for Van drivers who receive delivery schedules daily with the addresses of Donors and beneficiaries and the number of food types which they’ll have to pick up and drop off. During the deliveries, the drivers can report on the actual amount of food types they pick up and drop off and mark the deliveries complete or leave them in their inventories for the next delivery.
– A web admin portal for administration to manage the list of donors, beneficiaries, vans, regular schedules, ad-hoc schedules, etc…and oversee the overall delivery progress.
May 11, 2023
AWS, Cross Platform, Mobile App Development, NodeJS, React JS, React Native, Web Application Development